If policymakers could foresee how AI will impact labour markets, they could make better policy decisions. The nascent science of “automation evaluations” aims to provide this foresight.
Some experts are concerned that AI chatbots could pose biological risks. But AI-enabled “biological tools” may pose greater risks and will likely require a distinct policy response.
Recent AI progress has largely been driven by increases in the amount of computing power used to train new models. Governing compute could be an effective way to achieve AI policy goals...
In January 2024, Paul Scharre (CNAS) joined GovAI's Head of Policy Markus Anderljung for a live webinar discussion on 'Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence'. You can watch the recording here...
We’re proud to highlight what our 2024 Summer Fellows have been working on.
Developed countries shouldn't underestimate the value of including the Global South in international AI governance discussions.