GovAI is currently fiscally sponsored by Effective Ventures (EV). This is a temporary relationship, which allows us to operate while we complete the process of becoming an independent registered charitable organization. GovAI operates autonomously from other EV projects.
While the fiscal sponsorship relationship is in place, GovAI is under the authority of the EV Board of Trustees. Once GovAI becomes fully independent, the GovAI Advisory Board will take over this authority and become the GovAI Board of Trustees. The Advisory Board consists of representatives from academia, philanthropy, and the policy community. We are committed to following its recommendations, although they are not yet binding.
Decision-Making Within GovAI
Our Director, Ben Garfinkel, is responsible for managing the organisation and signing off on sufficiently consequential decisions, except in cases where these decisions are more appropriately made by the GovAI Advisory Board or EV Board of Trustees. All GovAI team members and affiliates will be asked to recuse themselves from decisions where they possess moderate or strong conflicts of interest. In cases where they possess strong conflicts of interest, they will also be asked to refrain from offering opinions or any other inputs that could plausibly bias decisions.
GovAI is funded by philanthropic organizations and individual donors. So far, the majority of our funding has come from Open Philanthropy. Our other main institutional funders have been the Survival and Flourishing Fund, the Long-Term Future Fund, the Center for Emerging Risk Research, and the Waking Up Foundation. GovAI does not currently accept donations from for-profit organisations.
We will not accept donations that we believe might compromise the independence or accuracy of our work.