All Research
AI Progress and Forecasting
Social and Governance Implications of Improved Data Efficiency
Many researchers work on improving the data efficiency of machine learning. What would happen if they succeed?This paper explores the social-economic impact of increased data efficiency. Specifical...
Political Science and International Relations
Artificial Intelligence and China
In recent years, China’s ambitious development of artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted much attention in policymaking and academic circles. This syllabus aims to broadly cover the research la...
Autonomous Weapons And Coercive Threats
Governments across the globe have been quick to adapt developments in artificial intelligence to military technologies. Prominent among the many changes recently introduced, autonomous weapon systems pose important new...
How Does the Offense-Defense Balance Scale?
We ask how the offense-defense balance scales, meaning how it changes as investments into a conflict increase. To do so we offer a general formalization of the offense-defense balance in terms of c...
Political Science and International Relations
Who Will Govern Artificial Intelligence? Learning From the History of Strategic Politics in Emerging Technologies
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a strategic general purpose technology (GPT) with the potential to deliver vast economic value and substantially affect national security. The central claim motivati...
Law and Policy
Standards for AI Governance: International Standards to Enable Global Coordination in AI Research & Development
Today, AI policy analysis tends to focus on national strategies, nascent international initiatives, and the policies of individual corporations. Yet, international standard produced by nongovernmen...
Thinking About Risks From AI: Accidents, Misuse and Structure
Any technology as potent as AI will also bring new risks, and it is encouraging that many of today’s AI policy initiatives include risk mitigation as part of their mandate. Before risks can be miti...
Beyond the AI Arms Race: America, China, and the Dangers of Zero-Sum Thinking
The idea of an artificial intelligence (AI) arms race between China and the United States is ubiquitous. Before 2016, there were fewer than 300 Google results for “AI arms race” and only a handful of articles that mentioned the...
AI Governance: A Research Agenda
This research agenda by Allan Dafoe proposes a framework for research on AI governance. It provides a foundation to introduce and orient researchers to the space of important problems in AI governa...
Artificial Intelligence and International Security
This syllabus covers material located at the intersection between artificial intelligence (AI) and international security. The syllabus can be used in structured self-study (or group-study) for tho...
AI Progress and Forecasting
Accounting for the Neglected Dimensions of AI Progress
This paper analyzes and reframes AI progress. In addition to the prevailing metrics of performance, it highlights the usually neglected costs paid in the development and deployment of a system, inc...